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Selectmen's Minutes - March 22, 1994
           Minutes: March 22, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also: Joseph Nugent,
Executive Secretary to the Board. Robert Andrews arrived 7:58pm.

I. Announcement: at 7:31pm, Frisoli opened meeting with one
announcement that the Hanson Historical Society's Annual Dinner
will be at the Congregational Church on April 6th at a price of
$7.50 and all are welcomed to contacts members for tickets.

II. Annual Request: Hanson Rod & Gun Club: Robert McGlinchey,
Club President and member Charlie Raymond appeared before the
Board for early shoot time (10:00am) on several upcoming Sundays
for turkey shoot and black powder events on club property: April
17 with rain date April 24; June 5; September 25 with rain date
October 2; and requested the use of the Town Hall grounds on
August 28 from 6:00am.  Motion 3/22/94.1: move to permit the
Sunday early shoot times as requested and the use of the Town
Hall grounds on August 28, 1994.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 3-0.  All Selectmen made
positive comments for the list of contributions to the community.
Kuchinski stated the club was looking for community members to
come forward if interested in participating in the Mass. Division
of Fisheries Fresh Water Fishing Instructors program.

III. Change of Manager on Hanson AA License: Selectmen received a
letter dated January 13, 1994 from the Board of Directors of
Hanson Athletic Association noting its vote to change the name of
manager on the club's license from John Shay to William E. Ruel.
Motion 3/22/94.2: move to change the name of manager to William
E. Ruel on the Hanson AA liquor license effective immediately.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 3-0.

IV. Kiwanis' Request for One-Day License: On behalf of Hanson
Kiwanis, Sonny Gerraughty, club President requested a one-day
beer and wine license for May 7, 1994 at Camp Kiwanee for the
hours of 6-8pm during a spaghetti dinner.  Motion 3/22/94.3: move
to allow a one-day liquor license for Hanson Kiwanis for May 7,
1994. Motion by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski. Motion carried 3-0.

V. Appointment: Registrar of Voters: After notification of seat
expiring on Board of Registrars, Selectmen have been notified by
the Town Republican Committee that Rachel C. Clark wishes to
continue as registrar.  Motion 3/22/94.4: move to reappoint
Rachel C. Clark as a Registrar of Voters with a term to expire on
March 31, 1997.  Motion by Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 3-0.  Frisoli praised all registrars for their
hard work and dedication.

VI. Appointment: Director of Veterans' Services:  Robert
Arsenault's appointment expires March 31, 1994.  Kuchinski and
Murdoch cited job well done. Motion 3/22/94.5: move to reappoint
Robert Arsenault to the position as Director of Veterans'
Services, Veterans' Agent, Veterans' Burial Agent, Veterans'
Graves Officer with his term to expire March 31, 1995.   Motion
by Kuchinski with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-0.

VII. Appointment: Assistant Veterans' Agent: This position also
expires March 31, 1994 and is currently filled by Dana Larsen.
Motion 3/22/94.6: move to reappoint Robert Arsenault to the
position as Assistant Veterans' Agent with his term to expire
March 31, 1995.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 3-0. Positive comments for the position and the
savings to the Town for faster processing of paper work.

VIII. Board of Selectmen Policies and Procedures: Tabled.  

IX. Set Hours for Annual Town Election: Town Clerk has requested
that the hours for the Annual Town Election be set as last year.
Motion 3/22/94.7: move to set the hours as 10am to 7pm for the
May 14, 1994 Annual Town Election.  Motion made by Murdoch  with
second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 3-0.

    Instruction for the Use of New Balloting Equipment: anyone
interested in a preview of using the new equipment should come to
her office during regular business hours (Monday - Thursday 8am-
5pm and Tuesday evenings 7-9pm) for instructions. Bruce Young
announced that Continental Cable would air (mid-April - May 14)
a 15-minute segment of instruct to citizens.

X. Acceptance of Minutes: Frisoli had not received for review the
minutes for 12/14/93; 1/4/94 or 1/18/94 therefore requested a
hold.  The Clerk was asked to place a copy of her written minutes
in the office after meeting.  After discussion on what Frisoli
felt were editorial commenting in portions of some minutes,
Kuchinski asked for those minutes to be held and brought up to
her after the meeting.  Andrews arrived during this discussion.
The minutes of Open Session on 2/1/94 and 3/8/94 were held.
Motion 3/22/94.8: move to accept the minutes of Executive Session
held February 1, 1994; February 22, 1994 Open and Executive
Sessions; March 8, 1994 Executive Session and March 15, 1994.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.  

XI. Procedure for participants addressing the Board: Frisoli
requested anyone addressing the Board come to the front.
Kuchinski suggested that this proposed procedure could be part of
the procedures under review instead of a separate item.  Murdoch
disagreed stating that Frisoli as chair could make the request of
speakers as the situation warranted.  Tabled for full Board
discussion and receipt of Continental Cable guidelines.

XII. Library Trustee request for clarification on Thomas Hall
jurisdictional issues: Frisoli read Library Trustees letter
requesting the Memorial Committee's three articles not to be
placed on the warrant. During discussion Nugent stated that Town
Counsel Everett Marder had verbally noted these articles to be
improper; Kuchinski commented on the complicated history of the
Committee(s) formation, her attempt to reach Marder (on vacation
until March 31), her short conversation with assistant attorney
general (Holley Meyer) who indicated she wanted the Town to come
to an agreement but if necessary, would make herself available
for a meeting, and the possibility that the motions on the
articles could be worded satisfactorily on Town Meeting floor to
accomplish the intent; Selectmen voiced displeasure at the lack
of progress (no positive meetings having taken place); Memorial
Committee member Bruce Young stated he had attended a Library
Trustee's meeting to explain in person the logic of the articles
but was cut-off. He noted that progress seemed unlikely until the
Trustees were satisfied on two issues: (a) that only Trustees
have jurisdiction to decide on a memorial and (b) that the
insurance monies currently held in an escrow account need no Town
Meeting vote to transfer to them.  Kuchinski will once again
request a meeting with the Trustees and will be in contact with
Marder to rework the Memo of Understanding to include all costs
and memorial plans and make a cohesive plan to close this matter.

XIII. Action Requests: (1) Frisoli requested Nugent check out
attending the March 24 meeting on Construction Bid Protest
sponsored by the MBA;  (2) Frisoli requested update on Town
Counsel's progress on the Route 58 Bond claim.  Nugent noted that
Counsel has placed all parties on notice to the claim.  He also
reported that he had his first meeting with state contact and
should meet again in 2 to 3 weeks.  (3) Andrews noted he received
a brochure which reviews progress on all government contracts.
He'd make it available upon request.  (4) After noting her
attendance at the March 15 Drainage Committee meeting regarding
Pine Grove Ave, Kuchinski noted an April 2nd 9am site visit for
Pine Grove Ave and Arlene Street.  Notes from her attendance at
the February 2nd Rockland Landfill meeting, the March 12 Plymouth
County Selectmen's Association Meeting on the MBTA construction
and assessment issues, and the March 17 MMA Regional Update on
fiscal policies would be on the side table in the office.  At the
MMA Info session it was requested that letters of support be sent
to legislators for passage of the bills on Local Aid and the Aid
for Snow and Ice Removal.  Motion 3/22/94.9: move that the
Executive Secretary be directed to send letters of support for
passage of these issues to legislators.  Motion by Andrews with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  (5) Kuchinski brought
the obituary of Mr. Mullen to the attention of the Board. Motion
3/22/94.10: move that the Town  note the death of Mr. Mullen in
the 1994 Town Report and sent a letter of condolences to Mrs.
Mullen noting the intention of the Board.  Motion by Andrews with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  (6) Kuchinski review the
minutes of the O.C.P.C. Transportation Committee which included
noticing Noreen O'Toole's election as Committee Vice-Chair.
Motion 3/22/94.11: move that Board of Selectmen send a letter to
Town Planner Noreen O'Toole noting  her election and commending
her excellent and effective Town  representation on this
Committee. Motion by Andrews with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 4-0.    (7) Town Flag: Frisoli asked status and Nugent to
check again with Dr. Avery. Kuchinski requested the cost the
factor of the flag and hoped that enough time would be had to
request donations if necessary.  (8) Kuchinski asked Betty
Dahlberg for update on the Hanson Cares with Bears: the first
donation from the mail solicitation has been received. (9)
Kuchinski requested that Local Initiative Program for Affordable
Housing (Town Counsel Memo dated 12/23/93 and Appeal Board Memo
dated January 4, 1994) be placed on the next agenda. (10) Frisoli
asked that Nugent notify Police and Fire Chiefs he would be out
of Town on April 9-16 and May 5-11.  

XIV. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Highway Department Union:
wishes to enter negotiations.  A subcommittee of Kuchinski and
Andrews formed to negotiate.  Nugent to inform the Union of the
subcommittee members and request dates to meet. (2) Goals and
Objectives / Evaluations: Nugent and Chief Berry have submitted
their reports.  Evaluation sheets passed out and should be
returned to Frisoli as soon as possible. Frisoli to meet with
Nugent and Berry with the compiled sheets with enough time for
any contact by them to be made with individual Board members
relative to the evaluation comments. (3) Town Budget process:
Nugent reported that once again the Town's money is tight - the
sources to be listed by Accountant. FinCom has been adamant about
recommendation for no new personnel.  (4) Route 58: Nugent
reviewed problems (drainage, manholes, driveways. Frisoli
stressed that the items of past concern (guardrail, walls) must
not be forgotten. Kuchinski requested Board review a town
compiled "punch list" of items to be discussed with state.  (4)
MBTA Assessment/Old Colony RR project: Nugent updated the Board
on need to stay on top of this issue as it affects all towns for
the RR project.  Kuchinski noted the Town's receipt of DEP's
letter to MBTA regarding the Waterways License Application for
the widening of the bridge over the Poor Meadow Brook.  Motion
3/22/94.12: move that the Executive Secretary confer with the
ConCom regarding this notice of license application and forward a
letter acknowledging same and restating support for concrete ties
and for all work done conforming to issued Order of Conditions.
Motion by Kuchinski with second by Andrews.  Motion carried 4-0.

XIV. Executive Session Request - Police Negotiations:  Nugent
requested Board call Executive Session under #3 to discuss
strategy regarding Police Union contract.  Motion 3/22/94.13:
move to enter Executive Session for purpose of discussing Police
Contract Negotiations strategy (#3).  Motion made by Murdoch with
second Andrews.  Roll Call vote: Murdoch: Aye; Andrews: Aye;
Frisoli: Aye; Kuchinski: Aye.   Motion carried 4-0.

Re-entered Open Session at 10:20pm for purpose of adjourning the
Public Meeting. Motion 3/22/94.14: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Murdoch with second by Andrews. Motion carried 4-0.